So here goes…
I’ve never had a blog. I had a LiveJournal once in the pre-myspace days, but that just got me into trouble as a teenager. (Teenage journaling was meant for notebooks under a mattress, not the internet) I’ve always loved the idea of sharing cool stuff through a blog, but I just never started. I think I’m just a better storyteller or explainer in person. Is that a word? I’m not a writer. I’m a talker.
Now I’m a new dad with all sorts of new excitement in my life. And oftentimes I want to share all the cool stuff no one cares to listen to me go on about. I try, but my wife and I do not share the same enthusiasm for advances in technology, products, or my expensive hobbies. Maybe that’s what this will be, me talking into the void about some useful tech to save you time, camping spots, fishing lies, product stuffs, or dad hacks that seem to work for a minute. Could be cool. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ We’ll see. If you made it this far, thanks.
Here goes nothing…